Greek island of Melos. Obsidian was extremely valuable and used to make razor-sharp weapons and farm tools. The nearly lifeless island attracted explorers searching for rocks containing obsidian. They landed their boats at the beach, and moved inland to mine rock, then pushed it to the beach and into their boats for transport overseas.
Push either rocks to the beach to load into your boat or your opponent’s explorers into the sea to drown them. Choose your explorers carefully, so that together they overcome resistance from your opponents. With more than two players, scheming starts, as you let opponents pass or resist.
Game Overview
Players take turns taking one of three actions:
Action A Move onto the Beach or into the Sea
Action B Move on the Island
Action B Push & Resist on the Island
With no more rocks left on Melos, the winner has at least one of their explorers on the island or in their ship and the highest total of their explorers on the island and all tiles in their ship. Rocks are worth 10 and for explorers the number on the tile.
Players try to complete the game in less time or with fewer moves than in previous games. Use a timer or scoring discs.
Each player receives these explorer tiles in their player color:
Players share the use of four rocks and place them in the center of the island.