Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken in the entire Roman world. This was to aid military conscription and tax collection. Everyone was summoned to travel to their hometown to register and be counted. Luckily, they were able to gain support from other travelers making the long and difficult journey.

You may be able to move more than one of your traveller tiles forward each turn if you are good at lining up tile numbers with the number on the last tile you moved.

Game Overview


Players take turns moving travelers as often as they can.

  • Step 1 Move your Traveler

  • Step 2 Try to Move Again

    • Action A Total Up the Numbers

    • Action B Move New Travelers



The winner is the first to move all of their travelers to their opponent’s first row,


the game is over when one player cannot move on their turn and the winner has the highest total of the numbers on their tiles on their opponent’s first row.

The player with the next turn wins a draw.


Both players win when all of both player’s travelers reach the other player’s first row,


both players lose when a player cannot move on their turn or any traveler cannot reach the other player’s first row.

Each player receives these travelers in their player color:

Players take turns placing a mountain on any open square on their third to sixth row on the board. The travelers are placed on open squares, on the player’s first row.

Players share the use of these tiles

Game Designer

Markus Hagenauer

As a productive and successful game designer, Markus has published over 12 children's games, family games and strategy games.