Mesopotamia was a flat, monotonous landscape, with some marsh and water. So the people felt utterly dependent on the will of the gods. One block at a time, the Sumerians built wide, stepped pyramids, called Ziggurats, in honor of Inanna, goddess of fertility in their city of Ur.
Be the first to move one of your blocks on top of two of any players’ blocks which are stacked on a foundation block. Stop your opponents’ blocks from moving by stacking on top of them. Watch out, everyone loses when a player cannot place or move any of their own blocks!
Game Overview
Players take turns taking one of three actions:
Acion A Place a Block: Place one of your blocks on an open square, orthogonally adjacent to at least one block.
Action B Move a Block on the Same Level: Move one of your blocks onto an orthogonally adjacent block..
Action C Move a Block Up one Level : Move one of your blocks up one level, onto any orthogonally adjacent block or stack A. A block may not move down B.
The winner is the first to move a third block C on top of a foundation stone to complete a Ziggurat.
All players lose if one player cannot place or move a block on their turn before a Ziggurat is completed.
Each player receives 10 blocks in their player color:
Players take turns, in reverse order, placing all the foundation blocks at least one square apart on any open square of a 6 x 6 play area of the board. For 5 or 6 players an 8 x 8 play area is used.
Players share the use of these foundation blocks:
Only the block on top of a stack may be moved.
All blocks must stay connected in adjacent but not diagonal chains to at least one foundation block.
You cannot move one of your blocks back and forth to the same position one turn after another.